AmeriCorps VISTA and NAMIWA
What does it mean to be an AmeriCorps VISTA with NAMI WA?
​VISTAs with NAMI WA build sustainability for local affiliates through Stories, Fun, People, & Money with the goal of supporting a world where all those impacted by mental health conditions know they are not alone and are empowered to live their most fulfilling life. NAMI Washington is the State office of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, working to provide support, education, and changes in policy at all levels to ensure better treatment, access, and a behavioral health system to meet the needs of all Washingtonian’s whose lives are affected by mental illness. We work with 20 local affiliates in communities around the state to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental health conditions through free peer support, education and outreach programs, and by engaging mental health advocates in their communities.
To learn more about serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA with us, see our position description below:

What does it mean to Serve a Year as an AmeriCorps Member?
Much like the PeaceCorps, AmeriCorps members spend a service term at a community organization (like our own), helping to fill a gap in our services! Our members service term lasts one year (but members can do up to 3 service terms). Our AmeriCorps program is based in Washington state and VISTAs can either work from our Seattle office or remotely from another part of Washington State. While we can't speak for other programs, to us, "serving a year" means committing a year to giving back, improving health outcomes, getting things done, and gaining hands-on experience in the Mental Health Field.
AmeriCorps members will work with 2-3 affiliate organizations from throughout Washington state and will define capacity building projects in the areas of outreach (stories and fun), volunteer and board development (people) and fund development (money).
Our Members gain:
Work experience and the development of highly sought job skills (initiative, interpersonal and intercultural communication, adaptability, collaboration, and accountability)
Networking for career placement in the field, with partner organizations and throughout the community.
Build value in yourself and the position you serve. Members gain hands-on experience in the Mental Health field, receive mentorship, and build on their ability to take initiative, and not only manage, but lead tasks. They use their gifts and strengths to gift back and make an impact.
How do I become an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer?
*Please apply via desktop or laptop. Avoid applying on the My AmeriCorps Portal via mobile*
Create an account on the MyAmeriCorps Portal.
Search for our position listings under, the program name " VISTA Coordinator of Stories". Or follow this link: https://bit.ly/NAMIVISTA24
Submit an application to the position listing.
For even more thorough instructions, check out this great guide from our friends at NCCC for more information.
We have start dates in December/January (apply by beginning of November) and in August (apply by beginning of July)
Upon starting, all members complete 2 weeks of remote training mandatory by NAMI WA, and AmeriCorps. This is always when you begin accumulating hours and receiving living allowance payments.
If you have questions about the application process, please contact Summer Starr, our Deputy Director at sstarr@namiwa.org!
1 Year Service Term / Full-Time | 32 hours per week
Must be at least 18 years of age
Be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States
Must have a minimum of a High School diploma or GED/HSED
Must be willing to serve for up to 12 months and complete the full term of service
Members must accept position as a full-time priority over other jobs and must commit to a 32 hour workweek, some weekends for events
Members must be able to pass a criminal background check If selected, must attend required orientations and trainings
Members cannot leave at any time during the training sessions
For full benefits see: https://americorps.gov/members-volunteers/vista/benefits
Living allowance depends on area of residence and is paid bi-weekly payroll for term of service. See the following for your county’s living allowance: https://americorps.gov/sites/default/files/document/FY23-County-Living-Allowance-Rates-VISTA.pdf
AmeriCorps service gear provided
New Years Day (January 1st)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January)
Presidents Day (3rd Monday of February) – this may be a flexed holiday due to NAMI Lobby Day
Memorial Day (Last Monday of May)
Juneteenth (June 19th)
Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day (1st Monday of September)
Indigenous People’s Day
Veteran’s Day (November)
Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November)
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day (December 25th) – (may have the week between Christmas and New Year’s off according to board discretion)
Relocation and settling in allowance
$7,395 education award or $1,800 cash stipend upon successful completion of the term of service
Forbearance on qualified student loans and interest accrual payments while serving
Child Care assistance (if qualified)
Mileage reimbursement (work related only)
Equal Employment Opportunity & Non-Discrimination Statement
Candidates for employment and promotion will be considered without regard to race, behavioral health status, diagnosis, color, gender/gender identity or expression/sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, age, sexual orientation, education, religion, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, genetic information, economic status, or in the case of a submission of complaint, free from reprisal, or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local law. It is the policy of NAMI Washington to remain apprised of any federal, state, or local laws that identify protected status or classifications and to revise its policies accordingly.
Conduct prohibited by this policy is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting outside the workplace, such as business trips, business meetings, trainings, and business-related social events.
Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to corrective and/or disciplinary action up to and including possible termination of employment.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Statement & Anti-Racist Declaration
At NAMI Washington, we believe in a workplace culture of belonging that represents and embraces equity, diversity and inclusion of our employees, volunteers, members, and communities regardless of race, behavioral health status, diagnosis, gender, color, gender/gender identity or expression/sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, age, sexual orientation, education, religion, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, genetic information economic status, any other protected class or in the case of a submission of complaint, free from reprisal.
We commit to NAMI Washington Alliance being an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion learning community where EDI is integral to our mission and critical to the well-being of our staff and the NAMI Washington Alliance.
ï‚· We commit to model, with accountability, equitable, diverse, and inclusive leadership at all levels in the organization and to bringing in leaders who are committed to anti-racist principles and practice.
ï‚· We commit to identify and examine our workspaces, workplace cultures, policies, programs, practices, and protocols for potential barriers to access and opportunities for our staff, volunteers, and those we serve.
ï‚· We commit to dismantle inequities in our policies, practices, procedures, and programs.
ï‚· We commit to authentic engagement with historically marginalized groups to better understand how our systems and structures create the barriers we seek to eliminate.
ï‚· We commit to recruitment, hiring, and advancement policies and procedures that bring diverse candidates from all identities and communities, which remove unconscious bias from the process.
ï‚· We commit to creating service delivery spaces and workplace culture where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.
ï‚· We commit to organizational delivery of culturally competent programing and training upon hire and ongoing annual training.
ï‚· We commit to challenge the systems that have historically promoted exclusion and blocked access to everyone.
ï‚· We commit to adhere to this declaration and compliance history is available upon request from our Executive Director.
Anti-Harassment Policy
NAMI Washington will not tolerate conduct that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another's work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment. It is agency policy to help create a working environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination, including but not limited to harassment or discrimination based upon race, behavioral health status, diagnosis, gender, color, gender/gender identity or expression/sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, age, sexual orientation, education, religion, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, genetic information economic status, any other protected class or in the case of a submission of complaint, free from reprisal. This policy covers conduct in the workplace, at social functions sponsored by the organization, and business functions.
Harassment may include or consist of the following types of unwelcome behavior, although it is not limited to these examples:
Jokes, comments, innuendo, or other remarks that are "off color" or derogatory to a person based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, or political ideology (including behavior such as telling ethnic or homophobic jokes, making religious slurs, using offensive "slang" or other derogatory terms denoting a person's race, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or mimicking one's speech, accent or disability).
Pictures, cartoons, articles or centerfolds that are sexist or derogatory as listed above.
Unwanted, inappropriate, or offensive looks, touches, gestures, or other physical conduct.
Explicit or implicit pressure for a sexual or romantic relationship as a condition of employment or as a condition for any employment decision or benefit.
Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal. Sexual harassment can be a continuing pattern or a single incident of unwelcome sexual advances, requests, or demands for sexual favors, physical contact of a sexual nature, and verbal abuse or threats of a sexual nature under any of these conditions:
When submission to the conduct involves a condition of the individual’s employment, either stated or suggested.
When the individual’s submission or refusal is used, or creates a condition where it might be used, as the basis of an employment decision that affects the individual; and
The conduct unreasonably interferes with the individual’s job performance and ability to get the job done or creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive.
Employees are urged to take a complaint of sexual harassment to their immediate supervisor unless that person is the subject of the allegation. If the allegation is made against the immediate supervisor the complaint should be taken to the Executive Director. If the Executive Director is the subject of the allegation the complaint should be made directly to the President of the Board. The Executive Director or President of the Board are responsible for investigating all charges fully and completely, regardless of the manner in which they are made and who is involved. All complaints and the investigation thereof are to be kept strictly confidential. All complaints will be investigated fully without bias and prejudgment. Such an investigation will include interviews with both parties to the complaint, and co-workers and former employees who may have knowledge of the situation. An investigator will be appointed by the
Executive Director or the President of the Board, and the investigator will have access to all personnel files and will be granted all necessary access to information.
Any employee who engages in sexual harassment in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Any messages or communications sent or received through NAMI Washington’s electronic communications systems are subject to these anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies. The use of information systems (including voicemail, e-mail, Intranet, or the Internet) for the display or transmission of sexually-explicit images, messages, off-color jokes, or anything that may be construed as harassment or showing disrespect for others, is prohibited.
Conduct that violates this policy will be dealt with because it is contrary to NAMI Washington’s values and expectations regarding how employees are to be treated at work, regardless of whether or not the conduct also violates the law. Any employee or member of management who is found to have engaged in harassment of or discrimination against another employee will be subject to appropriate corrective action, depending on the circumstances, up to and including termination.
Retaliating against or harassing any individual who in good faith brings a complaint of harassment or discrimination or who cooperates in an investigation regarding such complaints is also strictly prohibited.
If you believe that you, another staff member or volunteer, have been the object of harassment, report any such harassment to the Executive Director. If the alleged harasser is the Director, report the incident to the President of the Board of Directors.
Management with the cooperation of the employee will promptly and thoroughly investigate every reported incident of employee harassment. Management shall respect the confidences and sensitivities of all persons involved in the incident. The concerned employee will be afforded protection from retaliation, and the results of any investigation of alleged harassment shall promptly be communicated to the employee. Where charges of employee harassment are substantiated, appropriate corrective action will be taken. Appropriate action might range from counseling to termination.
Staff-staff and staff-volunteer relationships are permitted, provided that neither party is in a supervisory role over the other.