You are not alone and we know recovery and wellbeing is possible. Together, we can continue to build a comprehensive system of behavioral health care in our state. While significant investments and improvements to the state’s behavioral health system have been made, many Washingtonians still face crises in the face of systemic barriers that impede access to care.
Hello and welcome to the virtual home for NAMI Washington’s policy and advocacy.
We are excited to advocate with you!
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The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington in partnership with our 20 local affiliates advocate at the state level for a fully funded behavioral health system, increased access to a continuum of behavioral health services, prioritization of prevention and early intervention, and decriminalization of behavioral health conditions.
Make your voice heard!
Did you know that NAMI Washington is a part of groups that provide feedback and suggestions on key issues like the ITA, Trueblood, and policing?
It's important for us to hear from you so that we can uplift your suggestions and experiences to make the systemic changes we want to see. To provide feedback, suggestions, or share experiences that you want heard you can use the following links at any time:
You can also use this form to indicate interest in sharing your story with NAMI Washington.