NAMI Compartiendo Esperanza: Mental Wellness in the
Latinx/e Community
What Is Compartiendo Esperanza?
-Lack of information surrounding mental health issues can prevent people in Hispanic/Latinx communities from getting the help and support they need.
-Compartiendo Esperanza is a pilot initiative by NAMI to address this issue.
The videos below are tools to start conversations.
Compartiendo Esperanza is a three-part video series that explores the journey of mental wellness in Hispanic/Latinx communities through dialogue, storytelling and a guided discussion on the following topics:
Youth and Mental Wellness: “Sanando Juntos”/“Healing Together”
Community Leaders and Mental Wellness: “Las Raíces de Nuestra Sanación”/“The Roots of Our Healing”
Latinx Families and Mental Wellness: “La Mesa”/“The Table”
Have Questions about Compartiendo Esperanza?
Email ce.sh@namiwa.org
Youth And Mental Wellness: “Sanando Juntos”/“Healing Together”
Supporting each other as family members. Watch a father and daughter discuss the importance of reaching out during hard times. This video is 10 minutes.
Community Leaders And Mental Wellness: “Las Raíces De Nuestra Sanación”/“The Roots Of Our Healing”
Before we can heal, we need to acknowledge that who we are is part of healing. This video is 10minutes.
Latinx Families And Mental Wellness: “La Mesa”/“The Table”
Two parents and their children have a conversation about healing and being open with each other. This video is 14 minutes.